Cleaning Out A House? Here's Some Items You Can Sell For Cash

If a close friend or family member passed away recently and you have been tasked with cleaning out their home, then it's important you understand there are many items you can sell for cash that you might not otherwise realize are sellable. Some of these items include the following:

Diabetic Test Strips

Those little test strips that people living with diabetes use to check their blood sugar are really expensive and have a secondary market. While it may seem crazy, a box of test strips can cost a hundred dollars or more in today's healthcare market! 

Since the test strips are valuable and so many people need them, there are businesses out there who will buy those test strips for cash. In addition, you can also opt to sell them online on an auction site or social media. Contact a company like American Medical Surplus to learn more.


If the deceased had tools in their garage used to work on DIY projects or crafts, then the tools are also something with a fair amount of cash value. And, the older tools you might discount as having reached the end of their useful life sometimes have the highest value! This is because older tools were often better made than those being manufactured today. 

You can sell household tools at an estate sale, online, or can even sell them to a local pawn shop for immediate cash.

Extra Appliances

If the home you are clearing out has a working extra freezer or refrigerator in the garage, then this is one of the first things you should list for sale.

Many people are out there looking for a refrigerator or freezer to use in their own garages to store extra food and drinks, and if you ended up taking the appliances to the landfill there would be a charge to dispose of them. You can save yourself this unnecessary cost and put some quick cash into your pocket by selling the appliances on the secondary market instead.

Unwanted Scrap Metal 

Finally, it's important to note that scrap metal of all kinds always has value and is always sellable to a local scrapyard. You can sell everything from unwanted copper pipes and wire to old metal storage tanks or even bags of old aluminum cans. By taking metal to the scrapyard you keep it out of the landfill and allow the metal to be recycled into new items. This is the only environmentally-friendly way to dispose of unwanted metal and will put some cash into your pocket at the same time.

About Me

Enjoying Great Medical Equipment

As someone who struggles with ongoing medical problems, I can honestly say that it isn't easy to know what the future will hold. However, a few doctor's visits ago, I was able to find a physician who really focused on helping his patients to live a better life. He talked with me about various medical equipment that might help my condition, and I was really enthusiastic about the chance to try it. As I got to know the new equipment and how it would impact my health, I felt great about what we were doing. Check out this website for great tips on enjoying new medical equipment.




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