Which CPAP Mask Works Best For You?

If you have recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may be wondering what CPAP supplies you need to get started. Your physician will likely recommend specific supplies that are needed. However, you may wonder why certain things are necessary for you. In an effort to help, here are a few supplies you may stand in need of and why you might need them.

Nasal Cushion

Nasal cushions are small plugs that go in your nose that are connected to a small, cushion-looking device. They are good for people who feel claustrophobic with something on their face, yet still need constant air pressure to help them breathe at night. People who enjoy falling asleep while reading may want to use a nasal cushion since they allow you to wear glasses with the mask on. 

Nasal Mask

A nasal mask, like a nasal cushion, only covers your nose, but instead of small plugs going inside your nose, it covers it from the outside. Nasal masks are usually more comfortable than cushions, but they serve the same purpose. 

Oral Masks

Oral masks go over only your mouth. These are used by people who breathe through their mouth while they sleep but have a blockage that can make this difficult. If someone has a pharynx that sags or other pieces of skin that fall over their windpipe, they may be told to use an oral mask. 

Full Mask

A full mask is the most common type since it covers both the nose and mouth. Many people use these because they still have issues when they only use an oral or nasal mask. A full mask ensures that whether you are breathing through your nose or mouth  at night, you will still get the air you need. 

Travel Machines

If you are someone who travels for work or enjoys traveling frequently, you may want to get a travel-sized machine. They are smaller and portable, yet still extremely functional and will still allow you to get a great night of sleep, wherever you are.  

In conclusion, there are several different types of CPAP masks and machines. Talk to your doctor about which one will work best for you and your specific needs. A CPAP machine can change your life for the better. It is never too late to start sleeping well and feeling better. Get all your CPAP supplies at your local medical supplies store.

About Me

Enjoying Great Medical Equipment

As someone who struggles with ongoing medical problems, I can honestly say that it isn't easy to know what the future will hold. However, a few doctor's visits ago, I was able to find a physician who really focused on helping his patients to live a better life. He talked with me about various medical equipment that might help my condition, and I was really enthusiastic about the chance to try it. As I got to know the new equipment and how it would impact my health, I felt great about what we were doing. Check out this website for great tips on enjoying new medical equipment.




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