3 Times A Curved Stairlift Works Better Than Two Straight Stairlifts

Stairs that aren't straight might need a curved stair chair lift. For example, if your staircase curves or has a landing in it, then a regular straight lift won't work through the whole stairwell.

In some cases, you can use two straight stairlifts to deal with unusual shapes or layouts. However, it might be better to go with a custom-designed curved model. When might this be the best option to choose?

1. Your Staircase Has Some Curves

Two straight stairlifts only really work on straight staircases. For example, you might take this route if you have two straight sets of stairs with a landing between them. However, if you have any kind of curve in a staircase, then a straight lift won't work. It won't be able to follow the shape of the stairs to carry you up and down.

So, if your staircase has a slight or full curve, then a curved stairlift might be your only choice. These lifts are made to fit the exact shape and dimensions of your staircase.

2. You're Worried About Changing Chairs 

While you might be able to use two straight stairlifts on two sets of stairs with a landing, this solution might not work for you if you have safety concerns. Here, you use one lift to go up to your first set of stairs. You then transfer from that lift to the next one to complete your journey.

During this process, you have to get out of the first chair and switch over to the next one. This switchover might worry you, especially if you have mobility problems. You might worry that you will have a fall as you move between chairs.

A curved stairlift extends all the way up to your staircase from the bottom to the top. You don't have to switch from one lift to another. You'll feel more secure.

3. You Think Your Mobility Will Get Worse In The Future

Even if you think you can handle using two stairlifts right now, you should think about the future before you make this choice. If your health or mobility might deteriorate over time, then you might not be able to switch from one chair to the other. You might have to remove your straight lifts and replace them with a curved one at that point.

A curved stair chair lift gives you some futureproofing. This design will work for you in the future as well as now. You'll save money in the long term if you can continue to use the same stairlift.

To find out more, contact a company like The Stair Lift Store.

About Me

Enjoying Great Medical Equipment

As someone who struggles with ongoing medical problems, I can honestly say that it isn't easy to know what the future will hold. However, a few doctor's visits ago, I was able to find a physician who really focused on helping his patients to live a better life. He talked with me about various medical equipment that might help my condition, and I was really enthusiastic about the chance to try it. As I got to know the new equipment and how it would impact my health, I felt great about what we were doing. Check out this website for great tips on enjoying new medical equipment.




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